Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Bad day.

Anyway, today. It started out awful. From the moment I woke up, I just felt like "What's the point of getting out of bed?". But I got up anyway, and was riding my bike to school, hating every bitter cold and muscle straining moment of it. Dima's path intersected with mine, (Dima is the exchange student from Russia at my school) so we were trying to converse in german, which is dreadful to hear, I'm sure, because neither of us speak german, and my bike started klinkalinking. I look down, and I'm not on the type of road that should make you klinkalink (aka something bumpy, or with grated lines), so naturally I became concerned. We were so close to the school, though so I kept riding, and then dismounted when we got to the big Hill (the hill which separates students into two types - Bike-walkers, those like me, who don't have the muscle strength to make it up, and most of the other girls too, and Bike-riders, young strong and adventurous lads like Dima and Dominik), and I stopped, and said "By the way I think my bike is broken" (in german), and sho' enough, my back tire is totally flat to the ground.
So, first I had german class, where I did absolutely nothing but read (in english) for an hour and a half. then I had Geo, but they were doing a big test, called a Klausur, and the teacher said I didn't have to do it, so I did nothing but read for an hour and a half. Then I had a free period, so I read, and of course by this time I had finished the book. Then I had Physik, and we were doing a test, and the teacher asked if I wanted to take it, and I said "No thank you" (lol), and he gave me one anyway, as a "souvineer". haha. The kids had to move around so they weren't sitting directly beside anyone, for the test, but there wasn't enough room, and Benedikt was sitting directly beside me, and the teacher said something in german, with my name and with Bene's, and everyone chuckled. And this pissed me off, because I was in a really pissy mood, and I hate not understanding, and I hate it when there are jokes I don't get, and I never know if people are laughing AT me, or what. Bene said it was like, of course he doesn't have to move because it's not like he could get answers off of me anyway. Which is what I figured. It wasn't a big deal, but I just get sick of it.
So then lunch. Normally we have little cards, and the machine will identify us, and tell the person which lunch we have selected (which is good because I never have to talk, except to say thanks). But today it didn't, and I had to choose what I wanted to eat, and I couldn't read the menu, and I wasn't even hungry, and I just wanted to say "I don't care, just give me something and I'll eat it", and Dominik was getting frusterated with me, and saying "Michelle, I can't help you if you don't know what you want." I would have gotten frusterated with me too, if I were him. Somehow I ended up with some sort of pasta, which was lucky.
I was feeling so pointless, why was I even at school, there is no point at all, and being really mopey, so that I was like on the verge of tears all afternoon for no (direct) reason.
And then I went to the office, and asked to call my host mom, because my bike was broke. Dominik went with me for moral support. I asked the secretary "Darf ich zuhause telefonieren, weil mein Fahrrad kaputt ist?" and she's like "Sorry, I didn't understand you" in german, and it's like, am I really so bad, that she can't understand me at all? Is my accent that thick? anyway, so we got it all figured out, and I called, and no one answered. And thank god, because I hate speaking german over the phone, and everyone was watching me, and I felt so awkward.
Then I was supposed to have Spanish, but Dominik had nothing, but he and Tim (a classmate) seemed keen to look at my bike and try to fix it for me. I felt like that would probably be more productive than me sitting in another class doing absolutely nothing, so I went with them.
We walked to tim's house, because he lived the closest. Well I walked my bike, and the boys rode as slowly as they could. It was really cold, and took a long time since I had to walk, and so Tim invited us in for tea. Apparently Tim's mum is an english teacher, so she spoke great english, although I attempted to speak german anyway. We had hot tea, and ate chocolate, and conversed (not me so much - hard to jump into conversations when you can only pick up half of it), and it made me feel much better, because I felt like these boys were looking after me. So then they went and attacked that bike, took off the wheel and then took the tire off the wheel, inflated it, found a hole, told me I need a new "Schlau" or a "Schlag" or something, I can't remember, and then handed me a phone to call my host mum. She answered this time, and I explained my situation, and Dominik gave her directions to Tim's house. She came about 45 minutes later, so we looked at baby pics of Tim and watched some Dragon Ball Z type of show but I couldn't really understand it because it of course was in german. (story of my life)
Anyway, so I'm home now, and my bike is not in one piece. I can take the bus to school, but I might not be able to take one home (I could wait 45 minutes, or walk home in 30, so I always end up walking). Oh well, I haven't got much better to do, I must admit, and walking for half an hour isn't so bad. Except it is rather cold.
Anyway, if it weren't for hot tea and kind german boys, I wouldn't've made it. Not as in I would've died, but I think the pointlessness of not understanding and thus not being able to participate in class that is sinking into me like a poison would have... idk, poisoned me.
But my bike has been taken to "Fahrradland" and we're picking it up tomorrow, and it ought to be better. Anyway, that was my day today.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

I finally feel like I'm in Germany.

For all the glamorous appeal of being a foreign exchange student, when it boils down to it, all that means is being separated from everything and everyone you know, and being thrown into a world where you never understand what people are saying, and thusly not being easily able to make friends, and spending most time idle.
However, I mean not to complain. Honestly I can take all that. I do not crumble over mere things like boredom or lack of friends (at hand).
But what I mean to say is, I am finally starting to feel like it isn't so. Last night I went to a party, and I had a lot of fun, and I spoke in german the whole time (with a horribly american accent, and with horrible grammar, but hey...). Not to say that people spoke to me in German. Someone would ask me a question, and I couldn't hear over the blaring music, so I ask them to repeat, and they immediately switch to english, thinking I couldn't understand. It's like "No, it's just you speak fast and I can't hear you... but I do speak german, you know!" When people switch to english so quickily, I never know if I should be offended (because they assume I'm ignorant of the language, when the only problem is I didn't hear) or be grateful (because it english really is easier). I had an entire conversation where I spoke in German and he spoke in English, but that was only because he wanted to practice his English with me, and I refuse to speak in English unless it's something I can't say in German.
I bought "Alice im Wunderland" so that should make for good reading. I also have Twilight and the first Harry Potter in german. I got them because they are not written too complicatedly, and I will always understand what's going on since I've read them in english. Also I'm reading Animorphs in german from the library. And the Lord of the Rings - but in english. Not in german, that'd be way to hard for me. Except Dominik is reading it in english, which i find to be impressive because LOTR is thick reading (well he hasn't started yet because he's so "busy" aka designed pizza web programs and building a 3d replica of his house on google earth and other streber-ish things.)
But really, I can't wait until I can actually READ in german, for real. Before I go home, I'll have to go on a book buying rampage, because it's not like you can find german books in a store at home, and here there are millions. 'course there's always internet purchasing, but then there's also international shipping prices...
I know you guys will be like "Waahh we wanna hear about Austria, waahh!", but honestly there's not a lot to tell. I never really knew the names of all the places I saw, so I can't truly say where I've been. A lot of beautiful old cathedrals, and a frikking huge graveyard that had a bunch of famous people that I generally didn't know, except Beethoven (I mean, except it had Beethoven and I know who beethoven is). Basically I just saw a lot of elegance and extravagance... I was only there for 2 days, remember. The train ride went through the Czech republic, through Prague (is that how it's spelled in english? It's "Prag" in german), anyway so I spent a good 6 or so hours in Czech each way.
That's all for now because I dont feel like writing anymore.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

By request of a blog-deprived mother

I shall make yet another internet appearance. I'm sleepy now. This week I don't have real school, just something called Projekt Woche, and I'm doing some sort of math project... Except it's economics, and it's very dull, and I never understand what's going on. Today I gave up all pretence of pretending to follow along, and just started translating the lyrics of "A whole new world" into German. Tomorrow we're going to the Technische Universität Berlin. That ought to make things slightly more interesting.
And then I have fall break, which is two weeks long. I'm going to Vienna for a few days with my host mom, her sister, and her sister's daughter. Other than that I've got no plans. So if anyone wants to plan a roadtrip to Germany during my fall break... ... ...
In my spare time, I read Harry Potter, and sometimes attempt reading in German. Zum Beispiel, right now I'm reading Rapunzel. I'm already half way through! Given, it's only four pages long (out of an anthology of Märchen) but it's heavy reading for me (lots of words to look up).
I've developed a bad habit of eating lots of chocolate. I just like it, that's all.
I'm really tired and I've got to retire to my sleeping chamber now. Sorry that this was so dull and uneventful.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I know, I haven't written a real blog in a while.

And that's because, like I mentioned in a comment to my previous blog, I've been using Liz for all of my daily ramblings about Deutsch Leben. I can't deny that Germany's had an effect on me. My new favourite drink is Apfelschorle, and I don't even know if they have that in America. I eat lots of bread and potatoes. But, I do not however, submit to the german way of cutlery usage. They always use a knife, even when there's nothing to be cut! And they have their forks in their left hands, and I'm right handed, and unless I want to miss my mouth, I've got to use my right hand! Often I think in Deunglish (I've caught myself thinking things like "Oh, that car is going ein bisschen schneller than us")... My german is still awful, but I can have conversations with people know... although they mostly consist of me saying "Wie bitte?", but it's better than nothing.
School itself is... well it depends on the class. Geo and History and Deutsch are quite as dull as ever... English is dull too but at least I know what's going on in that class. Math is ... well once I can decode the german, it's easy. Chemie is also not hard once everything's been decoded. Physics is above my head to the point of ridiculousness. Spanish is... bluh, idk, I can usually understand what's going on, and what else? Art? Well I haven't actually done anything in art yet.
As for my social life, I have one good friend, Dominik, and then a few other "pupils" that I asscociate with. I went to dinner with Georgena and her Australian boyfriend the other night, and it was fun. I'm singled out and embarressed constantly, and I'm forced to be comfortable with people I do not know very well, and after two months of that, I'm much less awkward around people, I guess. Like with Georgena and her boyfriend, it seemed entirely normal that I should spend the evening talking and laughing with people I hardly know at all. Who else would I asscociate with, the only people I do know very well are half way around the world, of course. Anyway, what I'm trying to say, is that already I'm more independant, and sure of myself. Et cetera, so on and so forth!
I do miss some aspects of NPHS, but that's mostly just the feeling of... well, owning the school. Like I could just leave SRT, go wherever I want, I know the school by heart, know every student and teacher... I miss Liz, the gal that managed to keep me entertained at school for 6 or so years straight. That's no easy feat either. And I miss Matthew, our shinanigans, during our free blocks and during English. I even miss Mrs. Roach, if only to have someone to incessantly make fun of. I miss being able to wear pajamas all day and coo at my cat, and no one thinks twice about it.
But don't think I'm complaining. I'm not homesick. Sure I miss my cat and my BFF, but I'm doing quite fine over here, quite healthy and happy. The Germans keep me well fed and merry and I can't really ask for more than that.

Alrighty then, well I'm off to more german adventures now. Toodles!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Alle meine Liebe

Schließe deine Augen und ich werde dich küssen
Morgen werde ich dich vermissen
Erinnere dass ich werde immer treu sein.
Und denn während ich weg bin,
Werde ich jeden Tag nach Hause schreiben
Und ich werde dir alle meine Liebe schreiben.
Ich werde mir vorstellen, dass ich küsse
Die Lippen die ich vermisse,
Und ich hoffe dass meine Träume wahr werden.
Und denn während ich weg bin,
Werde ich jeden Tag nach Hause schreiben
Und ich werde dir alle meine Liebe schreiben.
Alle meine Liebe, werde ich dir schicken,
Alle meine Liebe, Liebling, ich werde treu sein.

Alle meine Liebe, werde ich dir schicken!

(I did this alone, except with a tad of spelling and word order help from a friend. Also, note that if you attempt to use an online translator, the results will be morbidly wrong. But I assure you, I had a genuine German read this, so it must be somewhat coherent.)

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Well, school is a bit better now. I think I've had all of my classes at least once. I got my schedule changed so I have Physics instead of Biology for Leitsungskurs and English instead of German. I no longer have biology at all, (which is good considering I don't understand it in german, and don't care enough to try, although I would like to take the class if it were in english), and still german, but only half as often. That was the only change, besides general switching around of times. I still have to be up early tues and thurs though : ( no way around it.

So today I had spanish again. I found out that it's actuall 6th year spanish, I think I misunderstood. Anyway, it's confusing because everything's in spanish, except when he's explaining something more difficult or translating something, it's in German, and then if he asks ME a question, I either answer in german or english, neither of which really makes much sense to do. He speaks perfect english though, and is very understanding of my blunderous ways.

And then... finally... I had english class!!! It was great, because for once I was the one being asked for help instead of the other way around. The teacher teaches in english, and we read texts in english... today we analyzed a painting by normal rockwell. I hated the painting, and I thought it was devoid of meaning, but apparently there's much, much meaning behind it. It was of a family at thanksgiving, but they were all leaning creepily into the table and smiling creepily. Ugh. But at least I can speak perfect english without thinking about it.

Then I had art, where nothing eventfull happened, I took a bunch of notes but I don't know what they were about. I think they were about plastic sculptures but I'm not sure. And in history... we drew visual representatives of "Der Staat" which was lame.

And that's mostly it. I'm now the awkward person who sits in the middle or edge of class. I have a few friendly faces I asscociate with. I still hate the bike ride in the mornings, because I have no energy at 6 something am. I don't have any homework, that I know of... it's possible they could've assigned something and I didn't understand the words et cetera. Oh well. I don't so much care.

Well, that is all for today.


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

My first REAL day of school

Well, on Tues and Thurs I have to be there at 7:10. The bus comes at 7:30, so clearly I can't ride the bus. That's fine for now (it isn't really, but I pretend so) but when winter comes, I refuse to ride 5 km a day in the cold and perhaps snowy weather! This morning it was really hard for me to do it, and I got tired really really quickly, and it was a dreadful ride. I think it's because I was running off pretty much zero energy. The ride home wasn't nearly as bad, but I think that could be due to the fact that a lot of it was downhill.

So, first class, math. The teacher handed out textbooks, and then said they were one short, and promptly took mine back. At first I was confused, and then I was a little offended because I had assumed that she thought that since I'm not a real student, I should have last priority or something. But I think the real reason was because since I signed on for that class later than everyone else, my book hadn't come in on time. That makes a bit more since. Anyway it doesnt matter because at the end of class she gave me one anyway, but told me I had to give it back at the end of the year (oh my god, what a sacrifice that will be). Anyway, the math itself was easy, but I couldn't understand the directions in German... there would be like a bunch of F(x) equals something, and I didn't know what to DO with it. But once I figured it out, it wasn't so bad. They're already deriving, how fun.

Then double spanish. At first it was a relief, because when the teacher spoke (in spanish) I could understand about twice as much spoken spanish than spoken german. But when he started teaching grammar, it was in german, and I got lost, and it was like 5th year spanish anyway, so I'm behind : ( And although I can understand spanish, I can't reproduce it anymore. What comes out of me is an awwwful spanrussgerman mix. It's muy dificil.

Then double geography. I didn't understand a SINGLE FRIKKEN WORD. And he talked so slowly too! It was the dullest thing ever. Imagine the dullest subject ever, taught by the dullest man ever, in a language you don't even understand. I'm just going to tell him not to give me grades and doze off. I keep getting confused even when people speak in english to me, because they're like "do you get marks?" and I'm like HUH?? until I figured out marks is the british term for grades, and I was like "idk, what diff does it make anyway lol?"

And then German. They frikken put me in the most advanced german class (that most GERMANS have trouble with) without telling me. Anyway I didn't understand anything, and I talked to the teacher after class, who luckily is also an english teacher and spoke english just as well as I do. Except with a british accent. Very educated germans speak english with a british accent, and I think its kind of funny.

Anyway, I'm the awkward kid in the back of the class. Today I feel so... exhausted, and frail and week. Like I could pass out whenever. I dont know why. I eat food, and drink water, I dont understand what else I'm supposed to do to nourish myself. Maybe its from awaking so early.

K that is all for now.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Mein Ersten Tag in der Schule

Today was my first day of school. My host mum drove me there, 30 minutes early so the principal could help me get my classes and such sorted out. The principal made me wait about 40 minutes (and my host mum had left by this time), and then escorted me to a classroom full of teenagers said I was a new student, and left me in the classroom. I was like WTF! What class even is this? What's going on? And everyone just chit chattered for another half hour or more, before the teacher, who happened to be the principal lady again, arrived, and was speaking in German and I'm like Ohhhh nooo, what is going on??? Anyway, she put all these papers around the room, and everyone was looking at them and writing stuff down, so I got up and looked, and they were class schedules, but my name wasn't on any of the lists, so I attempted to ask the principal what was going on.... she directed me to a gal named Christine, and said I would just follow her around for a week, and then change classes later if I wish.

So when Christine had her schedule sorted out, I looked at it, and it was mostly good (Math, german, english, chemistry, physics, biology, art) but also not great (french, geography, P.E., and history). And yes, all of those classes, amazingly fit onto one schedule. Now, I promptly got French switched out for Spanish, and with a bit of work I managed to worm my way out of P.E. (they call it Sport, but it sounds like "shport"). I thought about wriggling my way out of history too, but that would probabl be pushing my luck for the first day. I asked to be put into philosophy class, but apparently they only have it after normal school time, and it's not for a grade. I pointed out that for me, the whole year counted for nothing really, so not being for a grade doesn't make a whole lot of difference.

Also before that, the principal went on about the class rules and such, which I pretty much didn't understand. She said something about eating and drinking, but I'm not sure if she said you ARE or AREN'T allowed to do such in class. I'm assuming its a no, just to be safe.

And then class got out at like 10! it was ridiculous. I was there until 10:30 (thats when I was getting my schedule rearranaged) and I was meant to ride the bus home (the public city transport, not a school bus) but I couldn't decode the bus schedule, and I think it said the next bus was coming in an hour, so I was like "wtf, I could walk home by then!" And so I did. It was better than paying money for a bus I would have to wait an hour for, and not even knowing if it was the right bus. I live 2.5 km from the school, so it was a long walk but not terrible. Kind of nice, except when I wasn't positive I was going the right way.

Anyway, so that, my dears, was my first day of school. Very confusing yet very uneventful. So, my classes, thusly, are as follows :: English, German, Spanish, Math, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, History, and Art. And it's all taught in German. And YOU though YOU had a tough course load, eh? We'll see how this goes.

So, as for other news. I washed my clothes, and firstly, I never separate my lights and darks, because I usually only have one load anyway, and don't want to bother with it. I had a bright maroon pair of leggings I was putting into the wash, and I eyed them suspisciously as if to warn them "now don't you cause trouble, you hear?". And what do you know, all of my white clothes are now a soft pink. At first I was upset, but now honestly, I don't mind because its kind of a nice color. Well... I don't know why but I thought that was important.

Hmm what else? Two nights ago I had my first real conversation in german, meaning, one that was more than a few exchanged lines, and that didn't require constant translating into English. It was kind of nice, kind of fun. All of my hard work and frusteration is rewarded, by what? A 20 minute conversation in German... woo hoo? But really, this is my 5th week. How much spanish could you speak after 5 weeks?

Ahh, so viele Fliegen! Erg. Get, get!

My diet is almost entirely comprised of bread, nutella, rice or noodles, and fried vegetables with a little bit of meat. Also some cheese and fruit. That doesn't even sound very normal for germany, eh? From what I've seen, here is the most typical german meal imaginable.
To drink - Beer, carbonated water, and Apfelshorle (carbonated apple juice)
To eat - Bread, wurst (sausage of some sort), potato salad, and maybe sauerkraut salad.
Luckily I like all of those things except wurst and sauerkraut in excess.

Anyway, I supposed that's all my little mind can think up for now.


Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Liz told me that I have to start a blog so I can share my long german tales with everyone. So, HI LIZ! HI EVERYONE ELSE. First, I have to tell you, that German keyboards are queer, and the y and z key are switched, so if I ever slip up and say something like "Have a nice daz, and i like to eat piyya" then you have to be forgiving of me. Also, I havent actually found the apostrophe yet, I think this is it ´ but its hard to reach, and I pretty much dont use it. Got it? Good.

Anyway, what did Michelle do today? Well my "siblings" took me on a mini tour of Falkensee, by bicycle. I havent really ridden in a long time. I can ride a bike just fine, no problems... except the bike was too tall for me (figures) and I cant stand still on the bike without hopping off the seat or falling off. How am I supposed to balance if my legs dont reach the ground, and Im not in motion? Anyway, so every time we had to stop at an intersection, I caused a big fiasco and embarressed myself, and attempted to explain in German... "Ich kann gut fahren, aber ich kann nicht halten oder gehen! Ich bin sehr kleine", et cetera. Anyway, so we went down to a small lake, which Im asuming is the Falken See itself. We got ice cream, which in german is just "ice" but its spelled like "Eis". And then rode back, idk how long, I think someone said it was 6 or 7 km.

So later, we had to make an escapade to the store. On bike. My rump was realllly sore, and when I got back on the bike, it was terrible because it was hurting me in the exact spot that I was sore! Maybe Im just a baby. Anyway, so yeah, we had to buy Bröt und Bananen und Äpfel und Käse und Kartofeln. What joy, what joy.

So now, here I am, with a terribly sore bottom.

Oh, but wait, my bed struggles! Okay, so my bed is like a futon. For the first two nights I just slept with it couch like, because it was comfortable enough by me. But then I decided to expand my experiences and try it folded out. Its the exact same except twice as big now. But for a foot or so, just on one half, it folds up (jeez, I am explaining this poorly, just pretend you know what Im talking about) and now I cant get it down. I should ask for help eventually. And my windows, now! I have these amazing blinds that completely block out the sun, which is great for sleeping, except I never want to wake up, because I feel like its 4 am even when its 10:30. I think I should com-promise with one window blinded and one not... wow I am so boring, I ought to cease typing. IS THIS WHAT YOU WANTED LIZ?

Okay well thatll do pig, thatll do.